Sunday, April 19, 2009

Madison and 2 daddys

So Cade is in jail for 90 days and just before he left, he visited Madison the day before and the week before. That is the most he has seen her in almost 2 years. After he left though, she cant call or talk to him or see him. This is the first time I have ever had to say that she can't. The whole situation with him has stressed her out and she went back to going potty in her pants and even in her bed. Sometimes twice in a night. This is a girl that once she decided she wanted to wear panties, it was at night too. We had maybe 3 accidents at night since then. So I was concerned and could not figure out what was causing this. Tiffany and I were talking and she was acting up so we started asking her questions to see if we could get some insight to what is going on in her little head. Heres what we discovered. She loves everybody, and everybody loves her. She likes when daddy comes to visit but also likes it more when he goes home. He is the only one that loves her just a lil bit and she only loves him a lil bit. Everyone else she opens her arms wide and says this much. So I asked what would make things better and her response was "I want two daddys" why? "Cause then love me all the time". That broke my heart. I said that we would pray on it and that God will send another daddy when its time. Her response was that she will ask her sunday school teacher for one.