So I did really well on my next test and will definately pass the class I was worried about. Yay! Now Madi has not stopped her mission to get 2 daddy's. I have worked on not talking about it with her much and encouraged her to pray for God's timing in her new daddy. Well this week she stayed at her grandma's house and told her she wanted a puppy. (this has been her other mission in life, a puppy) Her grandma told her that she needs to wait until we live in a house with a yard first. Madison's response to her was "well when my mommy gets a husband thats my new daddy we will have a big house for a dog". OK. Then today she was all upset because I put her clothes in the washer and she was wanting to wear them again. I told her she could when they are dry. She lost it crying and saying she was mad at me over and over. I sat down with her and asked what the problem was and she clamed down and says I am mad at you. I asked if it was because I washed her clothes and she said no. I was a little confused then and asked why then. She said she wants 2 daddys and I have not done that for her yet. So I explained again that everything is in God's perfect timing and plan. I asked if she would like me to pray with her about it. She said yes. Great! I talked to herr some more and she was calmed down for about ten minutes and I said ok now we will pray before we get up. She sat in my lap and hugged my neck to pray so I prayed for her concerns and his perfect timing and blessings that we already have recieved. She started crying. I kept praying. It was the most moving spirtual moment I have ever had, and it was from praying with my 4 year old!! Unbelieveable!!