Monday, July 23, 2012

Long overdue

So it has officially been over a year since I posted on here and I think it's about time. A lot has changed in a year. Almost all of it is amazing and I could not be happier. Last September I got married and the kids were ecstatic. It was an amazing day surrounded by the people we love. I also was hired in two departments for Polk county. Yay! I wanted this for so long. Colin got hired by the state so we now had benefits and two steady incomes. In February my position was no longer existed so we decided I would stay home with the kids and help Isaiah through some behavioral changes he was gong through. We also decided to try for a baby (thinking it could take a year). I have always wanted to just be a stay at home mom and not a mom plus student plus work. In March we found out we were expecting a baby. Wow that was quick! The rest of the school year was a breeze. Madison worked hard to bring her reading level up and succeeded. Isaiah responded much better once I was home more and we got a set routine and I started babysitting onoccassion. There has been a few bumps but nothing we can't handle. This summer: We have been busy doing the summer reading program and walking a lot. I babysit more, but it gives the kids someone to play with and extra money to save for baby. Our little life is just so much better with the changes. I loved my life before but this has been amazing too. The kids love having a daddy and I love having a partner for life.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I have not been on and blogged in such a long time, I know I have said I am horrible at this before. This time I have a good excuse. I started dating and am now engaged! Best man ever! The kids love him, I love him and best of all, he loves all of us. More to come soon.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Turns out I am not so great at this

I keep thinking of things I want to blog about and decide to do it and then don't. I have been away so long it took me forever to remember how to log in. My goal for next week is to catch up! I have a lot of things to write about. Madison's graduation, my graduation, Madison's birthday, and so many pictures! I swear to do at least one next week ( no pressure that way)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Isaiah is turning 2

This last week or two I have been trying to soak up as much of Isaiah as I can. I can hardly believe my baby boy will be two in just a few short days! He is growing up so fast and I find myself almost panicking at the thought that this could be my last baby and he is growing too fast! Way too fast. The other night I read him his story for bed and laid by him in his bed until he went to sleep and I just thanked God for this precious sweet boy. He is such a huge blessing. Both my kids are but I feel like if it weren't for Isaiah inside me, I would not have handled my breakup as well as I did. Here are some of my favorite pictures of Isaiah's life so far.


About 6 months old

1 year old

1 and a half

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The new year

One of my goals this year (there are many) is to keep up on my blog. I need to remember to get the special moments down so that we don't forget. My other goals are: to get more into the word and have bible reading time alone. To read to the kids more. They both love to hear stories. To get the house organized and stay that way. To finish college and get a career started. And finally to take better care of myself.

This year has started off pretty well I am making an honest effort to take better care of myself. I am putting on makeup regularly and doing my hair in more ways than down or in a ponytail. I am continuing with the gym and losing weight. I finally got into regular pants and was able to buy them! Reading to the kids has been a great addition to our day. The kids just soak it up! School is really interesting this term. I am taking some classes that have very violent subject matter which is hard for me to hear and see but I think I need to so that I can be aware and knowledgeable when I get out into the field of work I am hoping for.

I cannot wait to see what God has in store for the kids and I this year. He has blessed me way more than I could ever deserve. He gives me little encouragements all the time.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Catching up

I am horrible at keeping up with posts. I end up going a couple months without anything new when really there is a ton new. The idea when I made the blog was to keep a record of things I go through and the kids go through because I am not a good journal keeper either. So lets see......
First Madison has been loving her school!! I am so glad I chose this school for her. She is excelling in everything and can even write her name. She loves to learn and is constantly playing school with her little brother. He soaks up the attention from her too. I am so blessed!! She loves to tell me everything she does everyday after school. We end up in the parking lot getting a run down of who the helper of the day was and who brought snack and on and on. She is so much fun!
Isaiah on the other hand is really making me work. I love him to pieces and he is becoming such a little boy instead of my sweet baby. I can hardly believe that he is almost 2 already!! He is slower at talking than Madison was but he is a very smart problem solver. That boy can do anything he wants (weather it is ok or not). I am always on alert for him. He also has discovered trains. HE LOVES TRAINS!!! Everywhere we go he is looking for "issues" or "ashoos" So sweet!
The other day Madison and Isaiah were sitting on my bed while I was working on the computer and Madison kept repeating "Mommy how does brother say no?" He finally looked at her and got in her face and yelled "NO" It was so funny. We all laughed for a while with that one.
Isaiah is also becoming a big helper with everything!! I cannot do anything around the house without his involvement. He helps with the dishwasher. (never look in my silverware drawer if you are a neat freak) He loves the dryer and checks it every 3 minutes when it is on. He likes to try and help cook. Not easy to fool but I keep trying. "No stoves for Bubba, that's hot!!" is a very common phrase in this house.
Christmas this year is going to be very different from other years. We are going to Arizona!! I cannot wait! Madison is so excited as well. She told me today it was too hard to wait to go. I figure that every couple of years we need to spend christmas with my dad and step mom and brothers, its only fair. It also gives mommy a break from the everyday. Madison has also picked up a new acceptance of Santa this year. other years I never talked about it and this year she did. We went and saw him a couple of times and she asked him for a baby doll stroller. He is following through on that one. Isaiah of course is all over Santa because his big sister is. What fun!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The new school year

I have been not updating for a while because I was too busy feeling sorry for myself. I am not sure why but it was a long month for me. I felt completely out of control and hated that I could not shake the feeling. I ended up getting a lot done around the house because of it, my house is now junk free and free of old clothes and unnecessary items. Yay! Another good part is I lost 10 pounds. That is only because I could not eat, but I will take it. I am not sure what brought it on, but I am glad it is now gone. The Lord is blessing me in a lot of ways and I am exactly where he needs me to be right now, but I guess I was just being selfish. I saw him using me to bless others, but I wanted more for me. I was even to the point of taking my kids to my mom's house a couple times because I knew I was not a good mom that day or I wasn't going to be any help to them at all. I love them with all I am but for some reason I had had enough. I can't do anything with out them. I know I can get sitters but I have to have money to pay them, didn't have that. My mom helps but its only when I have to work or school seminars. Not just so I can have a day off. I really can't complain, she helps more than a lot of parents do, and does it willingly.
So with the new school year I am starting fresh! Madison started preschool, she loves it. I am trading babysitting with my neighbor so I can go to the gym without kids or paying the daycare, and am starting a weight training program that is promising big results in 20 weeks! Here we go! That was another problem, I have been at the gym for months and not much in results. I am so excited to see what comes. I start school in just under 2 weeks and this is the last home stretch for my degree!! I am going to stay positive and not let another month happen like it did.
Also I finally caught up with the rest of the world and read the Twilight books. That turned into a little addiction for a while. I read all 4 books in 5 days! Loved them! I even read the start of Midnight Sun on the authors website and liked it even more. I am so glad she did decide to finish it. I do not like the movie as well after reading the book, but am so looking forward to seeing new moon still. Malia and I already have our date set to go see it, just have to get a sitter.